Sweat mutation may have helped us colonise Asia
A mutation in a single gene produced extra sweat glands in Asian people's skin, perhaps to help them keep cool in the warm and humid climate
Success comes from sticking with your monkey lover
Each day is Valentine's Day for owl monkeys - these paragons of monogamy can count the rewards of fidelity in the number of their offspring
Do get mad: The upside of anger
We think of it as a negative emotion, but used in the right way anger can improve your health, job prospects, relationships - and whole societies
How Facebook makes breaking up hard to do
Getting over a lost lover just gets harder when when you have a digital record of your relationship distributed all over the internet
Runaway stars to fill in the blanks in Milky Way map
Like flares sent up over a dense forest, stars booted from their home clusters can help astronomers trace the true shape of our home galaxy
Bacteria boost fixes symptoms of autism in mice
Replacing missing gut bacteria in a mouse model of autism improved repetitive behaviour and immune system problems
Mosh pit physics could aid disaster planning
An analysis of rock fans dancing reveals how people in a crowd move when emotions are running high, and may help us make buildings easier to evacuate
Largest fake prime number holds 300 billion digits
The biggest known pseudoprime was discovered using an algorithm that could help keep online transactions secure
Threatwatch: What the North Korean nuclear test means
Understanding why a tiny state that struggles to feed its people wants a nuclear bomb might help head off further bomb development
What we really know about human courtship
Enjoy what two insightful books have to say about mating intelligence and relationships - but don't park your scepticism just yet
The computer that never crashes
A revolutionary new computer based on the apparent chaos of nature can reprogram itself if it finds a fault
Horsemeat scandal should make us rethink how we eat
Forget food taboos and veterinary drugs, what really matters here is how we produce meat - and what meat we're prepared to eat

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